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OFF SOIF: Middle Brow Pizza & Wine Party

  • All Together Now 2119 West Chicago Avenue Chicago, IL, 60622 United States (map)

Third Coast Soif celebrates the notions of “wine as community” and “wine as beverage” in equal measures. On that, there’s no better partner for us than Middle Brow to kickstart the off-Soif fun. These Midwestern winemakers, Christmas tree vendors, fermentation fanatics, and fun folks are never not pushing the envelope, and they do it all while keeping us full of damn fine pizza, bread, beer, and wine. We’re fortunate to call them friends and even luckier to host them for a crosstown classic of shenanigans, tavern-style pies, and Michigan wine. Come for the wine, stay for the camaraderie. Or the other way round. We don’t care, as long as you find your way here.

No tickets or reservations required. Walk on in!

(Are you a member of our wine club? Great! Let us know and you’ll get a complimentary glass of wine! One complimentary glass per household, with 50% off an additional glass for shared memberships.)